Current land-use plans

Longyearbyen lokalstyre is responsible for planning within the Longyearbyen planning area, while The Governor of Svalbard is the appeal body. In the other planning areas, the landowner is responsible for planning, while The Governor has the authority to adopt plans and process notifications and applications.

Published 6/24/2019

The current land-use plan was adopted in 2017. The current land-use plan and sub-plans can be found on Longyearbyen lokalstyres’s website.

Responsible for planning: Store Norske Spitsbergen Kullkompani AS. The current land-use plan was adopted in 2017. The land-use plan is temporary and is valid until 01.07.2020.

Responsible for planning: Kings Bay AS. The current land-use plan was adopted in 2009. In addition, there are two current sub-plans for the area. The current land-use plan and sub-plans can be found on Kings Bay AS’s website.

Responsible for planning: Trust Arktikugol. The current land-use plan was adopted in 2004. The land-use plan is currently being revised. There are three sub-plans for the planning area in addition to the land-use plan.

Responsible for planning: Trust Arktikugol. The current land-use plan was adopted in 2014.

The land-use plan has been translated into English and Russian.

Responsible for planning: Trust Arktikugol. No land-use plan has been approved for the Colesbukta planning area.